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Wired News: Turn Back the Spam of Time | Man dies after wife squeezes testicles (August 29, 2003) - Teenager arrested in 'Blaster' Internet attack - Aug. 30, 2003
Alien Technology Online Catalog
James's Page - Time Travel Guy
Inert Ramblings: No Dimensional Warp Generator for me!
Zenkey foal a hybrid star -
FindLaw's Writ - Dean: GAO's Final Energy Task Force Report Reveals that the Vice President Made A False Statement to Congress - this is disturbing as it will probably go on ignored...
Wired News: Gaming Champs Can't Scrape By
The World's Worst Food - reminds me of those old Good Housekeeping magazines my mother used to get.
Jon Udell: Well-formed writing and information routing
Jon Udell: Well-formed writing and information routing - of all time? riiiiight.
Microsoft Bloggers Multiplying Exponentially - this lady sure is smug in her picture
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Russian submarine sinks in Arctic