From blogdex - the weblog diffusion index

Wired News: Blaster Worm Still Making Mayhem

Dell's Software License Policy: Dude, you're getting screwed.

I, Cringely | The Pulpit

Boston.com / A&E / Movies / The kids are not alright: two views of lost youth

From Amazon wish list:

Amazon.com: Books: Simulacra and Simulation (The Body, in Theory: Histories of Cultural Materialism)

Amazon.com: Used and New: A Writer's Companion : A Handy Compendium of Useful but Hard-To-Find Information on History, Literature, Art, Science, Travel, Philosophy and Much More

Amazon.com: The Anatomy of a Lawsuit

Amazon.com: Books: Modern Identity Changer : How To Create And Use A New Identity For Privacy And Personal Freedom

Amazon.com: Books: Acing Your First Year of Law School: The Ten Steps to Success You Won't Learn in Class

Amazon.com: Books: Journal 10 , 2002-2012 edition

Amazon.com: Books: The Investigator's Little Black Book 3

Amazon.com: Books: Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out

More from blogdex - the weblog diffusion index

Wired News: Turn Back the Spam of Time

NEWS.com.au | Man dies after wife squeezes testicles (August 29, 2003)

CNN.com - Teenager arrested in 'Blaster' Internet attack - Aug. 30, 2003

Alien Technology Online Catalog

James's Page - Time Travel Guy

Inert Ramblings: No Dimensional Warp Generator for me!

Zenkey foal a hybrid star - smh.com.au

FindLaw's Writ - Dean: GAO's Final Energy Task Force Report Reveals that the Vice President Made A False Statement to Congress - this is disturbing as it will probably go on ignored...

Wired News: Gaming Champs Can't Scrape By

The World's Worst Food - reminds me of those old Good Housekeeping magazines my mother used to get.

Jon Udell: Well-formed writing and information routing

Jon Udell: Well-formed writing and information routing - of all time? riiiiight.

Microsoft Bloggers Multiplying Exponentially - this lady sure is smug in her picture


BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Russian submarine sinks in Arctic

Survive 2012: Site Map


New from blogdex - the weblog diffusion index

Wired 11.09: MIT Everyware


Yahoo! News - DVD Copying Tools

MIT OpenCourseWare | Sloan School of Management | 15.279 Management Communication for Undergraduates, Fall 2002 | Syllabus

Not Up to Code? Embellishing the Flag, Then the Web Site (washingtonpost.com) - another example of the news catching up to bloggers. I read about this on blogdex months ago.

Wired News: RFID Gussied Up With Biosensors

LT SMASH - Archives

FOXNews.com - Clark Alleges White House Pushed CNN to Fire Him

The Salt Lake Tribune -- Siding with the powerless: Ideas from 60 years in journalism

Digital Spy - Full text of Greg Dyke's Edinburgh International TV Festival speech

My Own Business, Inc. - great site for tips on starting and operating your own business.
I've been seeing this more and more-- WSJ has an article in it's paper version today that talks about Spyware programs. Awhile back, I read about these in my Web travels and found some good software to prevent against spyware on my system-- Spybot is the name of one of the good ones. It seems that by using RSS and viewing blog link consolidators like blogdex, I am slightly ahead of the traditional news curve. It is as if I am getting news unfiltered, directly from the source, and the newspapers and tv news follows up a few days later with the same stories. I wonder when this will break down the traditional news media because their features no longer are relevant to their viewers.


Websites related to the end of the world in 2012. Most are New Age crappy websites, but this one is good: Survive 2012: Ancient Mayan Doomsday, Pole Shifts and Evolution as well as its news blog: 2012: Science News: Space, Evolution, Archaeology & Cataclysms.


2012: Science News: Space, Evolution, Archaeology & Cataclysms

Adventures Unlimited Home Page

Axum, Ethiopia - The Holy City

Wilson's Blogmanac


Gaianxaos: X-talks

Google News:

RIAA's Subpoena Strategy is Chilling Downloads: NPD

SoBig Virus Breaks Speed Records

CNN.com - A high-five for the latest in entertainment - Aug. 21, 2003

Manchester wins injunction against beggar in UK - Sify.com

Another sniper shooting?; deputy loses speeding truck
Herald Sun: Schwarzenegger to cut costs [22aug03]
The Onion | America's Finest News Source
ABCNEWS.com : Draft Bill Seeks Broad Power in 'Narco-Terror' Fight

blogdex - the weblog diffusion index:

The Gender Genie, Find out if text was written by a male or female

Wired 11.09: PowerPoint Is Evil - Edward Tufte critiques the limitations of Powerpoint. Went to his site and read his critique on MS Project's Gantt charts. Also read Tesugen's weblog where he talks about how Richard Feynman criticised Powerpoint bullets.

Referred to this book: Amazon.com: Books: The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition)

Software Project Management resources from Columbia U's Software Project Management course.


CNN.com - Man killed when hair catches on roller coaster car - Aug. 17, 2003 - This has got to be one of the worst ways to die next to getting decapitated by an elevator.
Trolling the message boards for Kuma Games which has decided it is a good idea to have us all relive the battles American's have won in current wars. See critical article: Plastic: Bowling For M.Bison
Amazon.com: Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism or Salon.com | Big lies - why is the US so partisan? is it to distract us from what is REALLY going on-- that these two parties, democrats, republicans, liberals, and conservatives, are both working on the same agenda-- namely business? I think so.
Amazon.com: Books: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Amazon.com: Books: The Kennedy Curse: Why America's First Family Has Been Haunted by Tragedy for 150 Years
zippymilk and the missing dvds - give the guy the benefit of the doubt (?)
Investigators in Sniper Case Join Inquiry in W. Virginia - i wonder if they caught the right guy in washington last year.
Meetup: Organizing local interest groups. - i looked at this for, like, a second. I am becoming aware of how large the internet is.
China Readies Super ID Card, a Worry to Some - first china, then the us.
Helped by Technology, Piracy of DVD's Runs Rampant in China - i saw this just yesterday at burger king. a chinese woman hawking her wares to the burger king staff.

Since I installed Sharpreader I should call this Everythingiwanttoreadbutdon'thavetimeto. Haven't read but will:

As Belated Converts, Schools Keep Vigil for Internet2

For Those Needing 32 More Bits

It's Back. But Can the New Napster Survive?

Making the Grades, and the Films, Too

Feeling lethargic? Blame the PC | CNET News.com - this explains why I feel tired all the time!
The Reverse Cowgirl publishes a book. Watch for You're a Bad Man, Aren't You in bookstores. About the Porn industry, which grew 1000% between 1985 and 2001 according to her site. She's not on Amazon, but here's a review of Almost famous she wrote in 2001.
About - The Game Neverending - another game
The NYC Budget Game - cool game. too easy though. i think i won.


City Journal Summer 2003 | How Hip-Hop Holds Blacks Back by John H. McWhorter - this applies more to the vituperative "gangsta" rap than rap in general, which can be as stylistically differentiated as jazz... Most rap these days is edging towards the "playa" style, rather than the "gangsta" style rap. Playas being womanizers adverse to long term commitments.
Instant Gratification - Visitor notification using AIM for blog owners - cool way to track users viewing your website in real time. probably could be applied to websites as well.
Half Life 2 - videos
Processing 1.0 _ALPHA_ >> Software
Amazon RSS feeds
Spyware and spyware removal


More from blogdex - the weblog diffusion index:

It's surprising that so many people didn't listen to Microsoft and update their systems with the latest patches. Now they're paying the price. And I didn't know that Bill Murray is the spokesman for the FBI.
Who said the greenhouse effect was bad?
Fox news should trademark "blur and tarnish."
Hey! Bruce Banner was working on a Gamma Bomb before Ang Lee stepped in and changed it into a genetic experiment.
The Internet Link Tax - Wouldn't it be great if you had to pay a tax every time you clicked a link on the Internet? Think about it -- .001 cent for every link clicked. And while we're at it, .005 cents for every e-mail sent. That would be about 1 cent for every hundred links, and 5 cents for every 100 e-mails. A year's worth of e-mail (roughly 10000 e-mails) would cost $500. And browsing... well, that would just be crazy.

From blogdex:


William Gibson
the controversial 45 minutes and the continued life of Dr. David Kelly.
Boston.com / News / Education / K-12 / Embattled school chief won't be fired mid-year, state official says. If he was his own boss, he would have fired himself years ago.
From Silicon chips to gallium arsenide to diamond wafers.
Wired 11.09: Confessions of a Baggage Screener
SABCnews Cultured gems challenge long-held diamond myths
Writing the book was hard. Publishing it doesn't have to be. Call toll-free 888/519-5121.
From blogdex:
Boston.com / Your Life / Fashion / Go Bronze, Young Man: A Guy's Instant-Tanning Guide
Boston.com / Sports / Baseball / Red Sox / Williams takes another hit

Google Newsalert - "layoffs"


  • SEVERAL city offices unscathed by layoffs - Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA

    While every last city crossing guard and emergency medical technician is
    facing layoffs, among hundreds of workers being sacked citywide, employees
    at some ...

  • WALKER orders 200 layoffs - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI

    ... Walker announced the unusual midyear layoffs and workweek changes in
    a "Dear County Employee" e-mail message after what he described as several
    rushed meetings ...

  • PRINCIPALS in place, but teacher layoffs unsettled - Pawtucket Times, RI

    ... said. Breault said she still wasn’t sure what the final totals on teaching
    jobs would be or if any layoffs would happen this fall. ...

  • RICHMOND manager threatens layoffs - Contra Costa Times, CA

    RICHMOND - Richmond may well face more layoffs in the coming days and weeks,
    mainly the result of a deadlock between public workers who were asked
    to help ...

  • ITC Apparently Escaping Merger-Related Layoffs - WTVM, GA

    A merger involving an area telecommunications company will mean 300 job
    cuts -- but apparently not in this part of the country. ...

  • WORKERS fear Slater layoffs to last - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN

    ... employee. "Yes, we've had layoffs, but we've always pulled through.".
    "This one looks a little more serious," Van Aken said. Monday's ...

  • SWANTON schools to choose tax approach; layoffs eyed - Toledo Blade, OH

    ... start Aug. 25 - because union contracts require the board to give teachers
    60 days notice before layoffs, Mr. McQuade said. His ...

  • TEACHERS recalled from layoffs - Cheboygan Tribune, MI

    ... The layoffs occurred because the number of students was expected to
    be down for the coming school year. The state pays schools on a per-pupil
    basis. ...

  • FULTON board reverses vote on layoffs - Peoria Journal Star, IL

    ... The 21-0 vote against the layoffs, which were slated to take effect
    later this month, was met with applause from the dozens of county employees
    in the audience ...

No, Adam, Nepotism IS bad. From the desk of Mayor Lloyd Kaufman.


still convinced that cobain wrote live through this. nevermind lyrics. live through this lyrics. live through this review. nevermind review. similarities: milk and body parts, wordplay, rhyming conventions. compare live through this with hole's other albums. live through this is far superior. either her talent didn't exist before she met him and dried up after he died, or he wrote the majority of the album.
oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Managing the Windows 2000 Registry - not the political o'reilly.
Unbrand America - the black spot is coming.
Troma fights the FCC
Al Franken & Bill O'Reilly fight [Note: Opens to Real Audio media]
From blogdex:

Now the suicide of Dr. David Kelly has become an "apparent" suicide and the integrity of the BBC has been called into question. This seems to be the latest in the info wars. When propaganda doesn't work, cast doubt on media sources.
"Not Playing Nice" - one source, but not the source.
See, the Democratic party is falling apart. The one good thing the Republican party has is cohesiveness. They know how to stick together. The Democrats have not been playing the game at the same level. They continue to whine and cry about fairness and rules and appeal to "the people's" emotions. One reporter stated it plainly when he said that men are not playing nice anymore. It is a no-holds barred world, where the stakes are higher, and certain people are playing to win. But the sick fact is, they are playing with people's lives, and no one is doing anything about it.
Republicans benefit from redistricting
WorldNetDaily: Schwarzenegger for president?
Students choose roomies like online dating using WebRoomz

Google Newsalert - "layoffs"


  • LAYOFFS take more than jobs - Rocky Mountain News, CO

    ... in the series.". Not surprisingly, rampant cost cutting and layoffs
    have affected workers' views of their jobs. Towers Perrin says ...
    See all stories on this topic

  • 5 Akron teachers to face layoffs - Akron Beacon Journal, OH

    ... openings. The layoffs were done on the basis of seniority. ``Our goal
    is to try never to put anyone out on the street,'' he said. ...
    See all stories on this topic

  • AIR Canada layoffs blamed for weekend bottlenecks - StarPhoenix, Canada

    ... Fane and other CAW officials met with the company Monday in Montreal
    to consider putting off planned layoffs until the peak season subsides.

  • BOARD to re-examine Fulton County layoffs - Peoria Journal Star, IL

    ... He thinks board members who voted in favor of the layoffs will change
    their minds. "(Those who proposed the layoffs) pushed the panic button,"
    McDowell said. ...

  • HAEMONETICS to take $2.7 mln charge on layoffs - Reuters, UK

    CHICAGO, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Haemonetics Corp. HAE.N on Tuesday said it
    would take a $2.7 million charge for cutting its work force ...

  • AGREEMENT: Retirements could negate layoffs - NEPA News, PA

    ... Under the agreement reached Monday between Murphy and police union
    officials, layoffs would be avoided if 52 officers retire before Aug.

  • BTI announces more layoffs - News 14 Carolina, NC

    More people in the Triangle need a job. BTI announced it's cutting more
    than half of its work force in the next two years. The News ...

  • 75 hit by BMC layoffs in Austin - Austin Business Journal, TX

    ... people. The Austin office had employed 517 people as of July 31, so
    the layoffs amount to about 15 percent of the local workforce. ...

  • LAYOFFS not expected at Lake Land - Mattoon Journal, IL

    ... gravely affected the new operating budget for Lake Land College, President
    Robert Luther told the board of trustees that services won't decline and
    layoffs are ...

  • BTI announces more layoffs - News 14 Carolina, NC

    ... BIT Chief Operating Officer Jay Braukman told employees Tuesday about
    the upcoming layoffs. “It is the economic climate,” Braukman said. ...

Google Newsalert - "layoffs"


  • AIRLINE urged to postpone layoffs - Toronto Star, Canada

    ... Most of the chaos appears to stem from the axing of ticket and reservations
    staff, members of the Canadian Auto Workers union, as part of 7,800 layoffs
    planned ...

  • MEETING to focus on impact of Pfizer layoffs - MLive.com (subscription), MI

    ... layoffs) on the scientific community -- that means job losses and losses
    of personal income -- and the efforts to keep the science talent in Michigan,"
    said ...

  • MILLER announces 200 layoffs at Milwaukee corporate headquarters - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI

    ... announced Monday. The layoffs, which had been expected, will take place
    by September, said company spokesman Michael Hennick. Along ...

  • SCHOOL District Layoffs Could Start Today - KWMU, MO

    ST. LOUIS, MO (2003-08-11) The head of the St. Louis Teachers and School
    Related Personnel Union says she believes employees slated ...

  • COMMUNITY wary in face of layoffs - Appleton Post Crescent, WI

    FOND DU LAC — Following news of possible layoffs and production relocation
    at Mercury Marine, one county official said he believes the company is
    still ... Merc Marine case termed ‘wake-up call’ - Fond du Lac
    Reporter Union official: Some Mercury production will shift to plant
    in ...

  • MAYOR warns of possible layoffs - Albany Times Union, NY

    ... details. "That's all I can say. Once we start working out everything,
    anything is possible, including layoffs," the mayor said. "To ...

  • MAYOR, FOP resume talks today on police layoffs - Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA

    ... considered when calculating seniority. The layoffs are part of Murphy's
    effort to balance the city's budget. In an interview after ...

  • PERDUE: Layoffs Not on Agenda - WXIA-TV, GA

    -- The last time Georgia faced hard economic choices, a Democratic
    governor ordered layoffs and risked a backlash from his party's labor
    allies. ... Layoffs Are Not on Perdue's Agenda as He Faces a Tough
    Budget ...

  • EARLY Retirements Slow State Layoffs - Boston Channel.com, MA

    ... of Worcester that until managers know how many employees in their departments
    will be taking early retirement, they won't be able to determine how many
    layoffs ...

  • MORE layoffs ? ‘ This is not it , ’ legislature chairman says - Fulton Valley News, NY

    ... Several legislators have acknowledged that public reaction to the announced
    layoffs has not favorable, as a number of constituents have responded
    that reducing ...

  • SPECIAL Report: Native American Bank layoffs follow enforcement ... - Indian Country Today, SD

    ... treasurer, took a more detailed request for confirmation or denial
    of the reduction in force that included a question as to any connection
    between the layoffs ...
    See all stories on this topic

  • LAYOFFS not on gov’s agenda as he faces tough budget year - Rockdale Citizen, GA

    ATLANTA (AP) — The last time Georgia faced hard economic choices, a Democratic
    governor ordered layoffs and risked a backlash from his party’s labor
    allies ... Perdue: Layoffs Not on Agenda - WXIA-TV Layoffs
    Are Not on Perdue's Agenda as He Faces a Tough Budget ...

  • SMOKIES park visits up while Dollywood reports first-ever layoffs - Knoxville News Sentinel, TN

    ... Owens said the layoffs were not weather-related, although there have
    been more than 25 rainy days that have directly impacted attendance this
    year, compared to ...

  • RELIANT Resources announces impending layoffs - KTRK, TX

    ... on Monday announced impending layoffs in conjunction with a plan to
    "eliminate certain activities," but the Houston-based energy company declined
    to elaborate ...
    See all stories on this topic

  • AGREEMENT: Retirements could negate layoffs - Penn Live, PA

    PITTSBURGH (AP) — The Pittsburgh police department could avoid more than
    100 layoffs by the end of the month if about half that many officers decide
    to retire ...

Soldiers use the Internet to express frustrations. New technology used to supress and control people can also be used to inform and empower them. Television did it with Vietnam-- bringing the war and its images of violence and destruction to every American's living room. Now the Internet is doing it with Iraq-- bringing soldiers frustrations and reports from the front line to every American's desktops. There is still hope in the world.
Those Chinese... crazy for Nazis!


All Music Guide: Gorillaz
WireImage.com Photo
All Music Guide: Disclaimer
Robert Zemeckis
Biography for John Hughes, IMDb :: Boards :: Breakfast Club, The (1985)
Lost in Space (1998)
kuro5hin.org || Security Risks: A Look into the Future
Lost Books Guest Reviews - Tunnel in the Sky - Review by Marian Powell
Timeline (2003)
"Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal" (1996)
Lynyrd Skynyrd
CBS News | Writing For Ronald Reagan | August 5, 2003�11:44:48
BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis
The Doc Searls Weblog : Saturay, August 9, 2003
Checked out Blogcritics and this review: Blogcritics.org: Indecisive? Here's Help: Decide! by Karen Okulicz.
InstaPundit.Com and some associated links which are too many and too quickly read to list.
A good article about the blogging revolution: BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis. All true, but I think blogging still needs its killer app. A way to get the major audience, not just 1 or 2 million people, but hundreds of millions. For instance, blogs are great for individual opinions of about any subject that comes to mind, but one of their flaws is that they are so random. One post can be about the next California governor, and the next post can be about video games. There is no narrative between the posts, which make it difficult to follow. If there were a way to search blogs by topic, or date, or time, that might be the killer app. Since Google has purchased Blogger, perhaps that is what they are working on. The Internet has a ways to grow...
Abandonware sites
Museum of Video Games
Stop the Tape: Hear Me Now and Believe Me Later
Bloggers won't match Limbaugh =The Hill.com= - This is a good article about communication skills the contemporary media have that bloggers lack. Although, I disagree that Bloggers can't gain them. Four key points were made:

  • It's all in the research. Know the history of what you are talking about and have the backup data to support your theories. Too many bloggers comment without trying to make a case for their opinions. This leads to a blog of disparate, topical subjects which grow stale over time.

  • Good production is important in conveying a message. This is true in radio, television, and print. If you can't hear it, see it, or read it, you are not going to be able to understand it. Those blogs that have small type or dark text on a dark background are going to be difficult to see and read, and thus, not have much value shaping public opinion. One of the best websites that conveyed information was not really a blog, and conveyed the message that the Internet was shit. The text is easy to read. There are no other distractions on the page, and the navigation is intuitive if you understand websites. Another good use of the web to convey a message is Lawrence Lessig's OSCON 2002 lecture on free culture (warning: this link goes to an 8 MB flash presentation). This site also uses large clear text, and no distractions. Additionally, it features an audio reading of Lessig's lecture, which shows the advantages of the Internet over some other forms of traditional media.

  • Entertainment value is important in keeping the interest of your less focused audience members. While I disagree with the comparison of a 3-hour radio program and the Internet (one can be accessed at any time for any period of time while the other has a centrally-controlled schedule), it is important that people enjoy the experience of getting the information they do. One way blogs can improve this is by integrating sound and video into their presentations. The internet is a new medium that people are only beginning to explore. Entertaining presentational functions will evolve in time.

  • Bonding with your audience. Bloggers these days enjoy the anonymity that exists behind their website. Some reveal personal details that would make Rush blush if he talked about them. Others just provide links to the websites that appeal to them. Some bloggers use their real names and stand by their posts. It will only be a matter of time before more do this and get popular. But blogging allows for a larger group of people to express their opinions than radio broadcasts. Arguably, this is the advantage of bloggers over traditional media. While radio, tv, and newspapers are all about broadcasting, web media is more about individual narrowcasting. Individuals talking to other individuals on a mass scale. It is a new paradigm, unheard of before, that we will learn to get used to.

Wired News: Claim: RFID Will Stop Terrorists
It All Depends on What You Mean by 'Have'


NME.COM - all your music news, reviews, features, pics, competitions, video, radio, discographies and more
All Music Guide: Eminem
Amazon.com: Music: Dance Factory: Level 2
Amazon.com: Music: E [CD-SINGLE]
All Music Guide: Drunkenmunky: "Drunkenmunky"
All Music Guide: Doolittle
All Music Guide: Pixies
Lyrics Spot : Pixies - Doolittle
PowerPC Linux: Integrated Hardware and Software Solutions
The Apple Store (U.S.)
Google Search Appliance: Product Info
PowerPC LinuxPPC: Yellow Dog Linux for PowerPC Computers
Navy to draft Linux-powered Macs | CNET News.com
Austin Powers in Goldmember - (Ws) - DVD
Why I Ditched MacOSX for Linux - A Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 Review - OSNews.com
ONLamp.com: An Introduction to PHP [Feb. 22, 2001]
ONLamp.com: PHP Security, Part 1 [Jul. 31, 2003]
oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Programming PHP
Toolbox: Google News Alert
Google News Alerts
Here it is- publishing industry trade magazine: Publishers Weekly | Reed Business Information
Looking for a good trade magazine about the publishing industry, but this doesn't look like it.
Amazon.com: Books: Garner's Modern American Usage
Amazon.com: Books: The Chicago Manual of Style: Fifteenth Edition
Fatal Agreement - The new edition of The Chicago Manual of Style wrestles with grammar. By Gary Lutz
Chicago Manual of Style - Q&A
15 ed chicago manual of style
Atlantic Unbound | Interviews | 2002.10.02
Novobot - A Smart Headline Viewer - Overview
RSS Jobs - RSS Readers
Oops: Wired News: Swollen Orders Show Spam's Allure. Maybe they made the order list public to make it easier for them to track their orders without having to associate themselves with the domain. The 19 year old owner and ties with a failed neo-Nazi make it weird enough to be a movie.
blogdex - the weblog diffusion index
Boston.com / Business / Technology / For start-up, connections pay
BostonWorks - Jobs, Events, and Information from The Boston Globe
Searched for Andrea Hollen, first woman to graduate from West Point in 1980, and found a transcript of her opinions of changes to the military's basic training. Followed this to the news segment she was commenting on.
When journalists refer to troops, I always get confused. How many soldiers in a troop?
Didn't know that Biography for Edward Furlong lost the part in T3 due to his alleged drinking problems, according to E! TV.
That was Robert Carlyle in the TV mini Hitler: The Rise of Evil. Johnny Lee Miller is doing Mindhunters with Val Kilmer, LL Cool J, and Christian Slater.
Checked out Danny Boyle's new movie Millions, then went back to Trainspotting and looked up Robert Carlyle and Johnny Lee Miller to see what they were doing.
Started with a search for Trainspottingas I wanted to find out when it came out as I wanted to compare it to when Iggy Pop (search All Music Guide) came out with his Lust for Life song. Was it 94? (no, 77...oop) Trainspotting came out in 96. Then clicked on Danny Boyle, who recently made 28 days, and clicked on Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise, an indie by him released in 01.
Oh! (actually reading the article) it's about Dr. David Kelly, the UK doc dead of a murd.. er.. suicide and the comparison of him with Thurber's Walter Mitty character. James Thurber was the author of the secret life of Walter Mitty-- about a character who daydreams alot. I recognised the title. Now I know the author and the story. So much to learn, so little time. In today's remote control culture, you have to hit the ground running and catch up with the story when you can, you know...
This story prompted a search for James Thurber.
Ore. Man Pleads Guilty to Helping Taliban (washingtonpost.com)
Ahh, the trials and tribs of Hollywood romance.
Romney didn't have to eliminate the position, Bulger quit.
Next, naturalize him and make him President.
Curious about the whereabouts of THE Paris Hilton?
Below comes from Google News of course.
Vortexes are cool.
Read about RIM then checked out their website, followed by Handspring, and AT&T.
One trial I will not be watching: the Kobe Bryant trial.


Watched E! about the Hilton Sisters, and saw an article on Page Six so decided to check out the online site. Read about Al Goldstein and his upcoming 5th marriage to Linnea Quigley. Show came on about Ashton Kutcher and the girls he's dated. Checked out Ashley Scott and Brittany Murphy.
liz enthusiasm on jr sr, angela livejournal, リイート livejournal, violet shuraka livejournal.

Read boston.com for the following articles:

  • Read about the new Freaky Friday movie that Disney keeps repeating, like a bad cold.

  • A Missing couple that were carrying $1000. Did they flash it around? How did people know they were carrying $1000 cash? If I were carrying $1000 I certainly wouldn't let many people know.

  • And the ubiquitous article that pops up every now and again about what people do in their cars while they're driving.

Also checked out the freezepop site, read the funny e-mails at the end of the gear section, and got distracted searching for the Yamaha qy70 and qy 700, and in the meantime, caught a glance at the WX 5 Wind MIDI Controller.

Then read some of Liz E.'s journal.

Why does the CIA and Dept of Homeland security keep trying to convince us that al Qaeda is a well-run, efficient opposition force capable of designing devices to fool airport inspectors when in actuality they are a loose network of disparate cells?
401k guide for young investers.
From blogdex: Dive into Mark's How to install Windows XP in 5 hours or less. Featuring links to:
Have problems with your audio cassette?
Caught Suddenly Susan on TV. They showed clips of the show and David Strickland. Went to IMDB to read his bio as I remember he died young and the show died soon after. Much like what happened with Phil Hartman and Newsradio.
Boycott the RIAA!!!
blogdex used to lead the market in news, so why is it running an old story on Wired about the terrorist futures market. This project died when Poindexter was fired. Even the Boston.com article about the kid who was arrested at logan was old news.


People just have way too much time on their hands.
Times article on Mobs.
More NY MOB #5 from moistandtasty.
Satan's Laundromat has information about New York Flash Mobs. Here are picture from MOB #5
Read on cheesebikini about Boston's Flash Mob. If I ever end up stumbling into one of these things. I'm going to keep my mouth shut.

Bit my tongue and read Scripting News because of the RSS wars mentioned below. Caught these two links:

Reading Winer's blog, it jumps from topic to topic with no real narrative thread. Makes me realize what blogs really are, incidental thoughts-- just like little kids pointing at things-- hey mommy, look at this, look at this, then they're off to something else. Make it easier for people to blog and every incidental thought in their heads becomes important enough to broadcast. Contemplation becomes a waste of time, and the larger thoughts get lost in the minutiae. Welcome to Internet time. Welcome to the unending future.

RSS may not be the standard after all.
More about the Boston teen arrested for making a bomb threat at Logan.
partygirl again, wondering why she left.
Sounds like a certain group of Japanese scientists are alittle too obsessed with the Matrix.
What REALLY happens at car dealerships


Steve Jobs never got a pie in the face.

From blogdex:

Tired of being President Bush's whipping boy, or house slave, as he was once called by Harry Belafonte, the Secretary of State will not serve a second term if Bush is reelected. Instead, we can all feel safe that our diplomatic needs are met by Condoleezza Rice. Secretary of State is an extraneous position anyway. The US doesn't seem to follow the advice of the admirable people in this office. So it is not surprising that a former man of action is fed up with the position. Karl Rove would be a good replacement as he is doing a fine PR job inside the state, he might do wonders with the public image of the US outside of the states. While they're at it, they might as well promote John Ashcroft to George Tenet's position and give him total control over information flow.
Bob Hope article lead me to searching for Elvis Mitchell on Google.
Bob Hope
Liberian soldiers or Dennis Rodman fans?


Spent some time looking at trailers.
Wow, Jonathan Glazer is remaking Chaos, by Hideo Nakata, who made Ringu. I recommend the original, of both.
Watching clips from Seabiscuit. One that is especially funny is William H. Macy playing the radio reporter doing his own sound effects, like he's done them many times before. It's just a job to him. He doesn't even know, or care, about the horse he's criticizing, as he reads the name from the paper. Nice touch. The Xylaphone ending is funny, as he seems to get some enjoyment out of his closeout jingle.
From Sean Penn to this: The Assassination of Richard Nixon
IMDB: Sean Penn
Another one: Mystic River
The Human Stain - Oscar movies are being advertised already.
Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase found through a message board.
From IMDB, John Woo, Paycheck, Uma Thurman, Kill Bill.
From Yahoo Movies, Paycheck, another John Woo/Philip K. Dick movie I'd like to see.
From Google News: Frozen Coke?, Another Outlook virus.
More, from blogdex: SBC fighting RIAA subpoenas, fog screen, attacks on the legality of the Patriot Act, bad reviews of Gigli, the different faces of Saddam.
Women who use mirrors during workouts don't have as much fun as those who don't.
Read the following on Google News: Microsoft Web outtage, American Wedding, Dirty Pretty Things.
Still can't sleep. On a whim, typed in empty.com.
Angelina Jolie video clips, Angelina Jolie message board.
I was looking for older pictures of Audrey Hepburn.
More Jackie Kennedy
Then read this article about JFK Jr.
Saw an infomercial for the Dean Martin variety show, so decided to check out the site. Then looked up Dean Martin on IMBD. Followed with Frank Sinatra and Audrey Hepburn. Looked at Winona Ryder to compare. Then looked up Jackie O.


wounded99 probably has an idea about partygirl, but I can't get in.
cubiclegirl may know something about partygirl.
Popped by partygirl, who I used to read alot after 9-11, but haven't checked out this year. Turns out she's up and abandoned her site after 4 years! Being a snoop, I decided to try and find her. Her "Slainte" coda turned out to be a cold lead. A search on Google turns up sites about the Scottish Library. Her friend Gingi was no help either, as she signed off June 9th. So did a search for diaryland partygirl on Google and found Last Day of My Life a journal by a homeless Tampa man. Who is Partygirl, and where has she gone?
Read about this kid who went too far with a practical joke in his luggage. Good thing the majority of Americans don't think the First Amendment goes too far.
Again, from blogdex, finally, Poindexter is gone.
Read about Senator questioning the RIAA's tactics on blogdex.
Read about Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders. Then Van Halen and David Lee Roth. Read a little about Motley Crue. Read about Black Sabbath. Considered buying some albums by these bands, but decided against it for now.
Read about Kim Deal, wish that the Pixies would get back together.

Never was a Van Halen fan, but have been hearing Runnin' With the Devil lately and thought about getting a copy of their first album for that song.

Installed the newest version of Windows Media Player and listened to 3WK Underground. Then read their reviews and got turned on to Brad Smith, who used to be in Blind Melon.